Whether you’re in the mood to study, chill, cook or exercise, you’ll always find a Study Café, chillroom, shared kitchen or fitness to do so!
Check out our upcoming events!
Check out our Upgrade Academy events!
Much more than just a room
As a creative student housing company, Upkot builds and manages projects in different cities with a great focus on durability and ecology. In all Upkot projects our students are able to lift their student lives to the next level. Imagine a second home with a unique look & feel, crazy facilities, awesome activities and of course: qualitative and beautiful student rooms. Or better: the place to be to have the time of your life!

Amazing shared spaces
It's all about community
Meet new friends, join the Upkot family and have the time of your life Upkot.

Upkot Cares
We care about our students and want them to have the time of their lives. Therefore, we organise many initiatives so that they can enjoy their time Upkot with peace of mind. From food breaks to free conversations with a psyhologist.
“I chose Upkot because there are a lot of activities provided for the students, which makes the atmosphere really great. We have a nice community here in Antwerpen Upkot. Another important aspect for me was the presence of the Upkot coach. She’s someone you can always count on.”

“I have a lot of good friends in Campus Upkot. You get to know people from different cultures. Campus Upkot is a beautiful building with a study café and has a lot of possibilities for sporty people.”

“While I was searching for a room in Ghent, I came across the Upkot website. I really liked the modern interior of the buildings. I chose Backstage² because of its prime location in Ghent. The presence of an Upkot coach also contributed to my choice for Upkot, as they offer students a helping hand.”


Join the Upgrade academy
Dreaming of the internship of your life? Joining an interesting workshop or lecture? Getting free study advice by our Upmentors? The Upgrade Academy makes your (student & study) dreams come true…
You will love your Upkot coach
Your Upkot coach is a true multitasker: party organizer, building manager and problem solver. Who will be your Upkot coach?

Discover our 360° tours
Want to see for yourself what our different types of student rooms and shared spaces look like? Take a virtual tour and check out the entire Upkot world!
The sustainability factor
Upkot has a durability mascot aka “Kotkip”. She raises awareness about ecology by giving eco tips & tricks. On top of that Upkot builds projects in the most sustainable way e-v-e-r and has its very own green energy supplier “Limoengroen”.

Please Contact us
Do you have a question or need additional information?
Get in touch and we’ll answer your
questions a-s-a-p!
Apply for your room
Let us know which project you're interested in, and we'll send you all the necessary information.
Invest in Upkot and the future of your children
Do you believe in our concept too? Invest carefree in a student room. Discover Upkot’s parent company Upgrade Estate and check our investment offers.